Wednesday, April 16, 2014

On Becoming a Parishioner.

    Retiring from parish ministries in 2011, the transition year including the move from Minnesota to Colorado meant intentionally being without a church family.  Finding a UCC congregation in Parker CO has meant new people and for the first time in 41 years having a pastor rather than being a pastor.  When introduced and getting to know people the conversation naturally moved to what I had done before retirement.  “Yes, I am retired from pastoral ministry.  No, I don’t plan to do pulpit supply.  What’s its like sitting in a pew on Sunday morning?” “Well actually it feels good to sit next to Ardie in worship to engage in and be engaged by the worship experience differently.”  

    Hmm, now I am like the parishioners with whom I ministered.  Like them, I am finding ways to bring my lived experiences, skills, and needs to the life of my church with my fellow congregants and my pastor, while also recognizing and owning that my ego needs  and are being met in new ways.   Frankly, I am feeling good about the new challenges, and certainly feeling good about just being me, without the additional responsibilities and privileges of being a pastor.      To be continued . . .